Saint Hubertu Jesus’ Sanctification Saint Hubertu

Case Study and Saint Hubertu Professional Discussion- Dealing with Challenging Behaviours of Learners

“Our thoughts create our reality – where we put our focus is the direction we tend to go.”
Peter McWilliams

A range of factors Saint Hubertu that may underlie different Saint Hubertus Medal behaviours in the lifelong learning sector are as follows:

A: Major / general factors
1. Cultural/social background
2. Family/religious background
3. Illnesses/disease/abnormalities/learning difficulties
4. Learning styles
5. Educational background/influence
6. Peer pressure
7. Poor emotional/social/language skills

B: other factors:
1. Lack Saint Hubertu of support from teachers/peers/parents
2. Lack of motivation
3. Addiction to illegal substance e.g. drugs
4. Low self esteem
5. Love/relationship problems
6. Pressure at work- for working students
7. Time constraints
8. Effect Saint Hubertu of regular medication e.g. temperamental, tantrum, impatience
9. Classroom geography
10. Addiction to computers e.g. games, social sites, pornographic pages
11. Boring topic/ tasks
12. wrong levelling

This is an excerpt from an Ofsted article re- managing challenging behaviour:
Number 16 in the article “Behaviour: the national picture
16.” A survey undertaken in 2003 on Saint Hubertu behalf of the Youth Justice Board showed that youth offending in all contexts showed a slight decline over the previous two years. Research commissioned by the Board provides a good understanding of the factors in young people’s lives which make offending more likely. These factors are:

• aggressive behaviour by the young person, including bullying
• family conflict and breakdown
• low achievement beginning in primary school
• lack of commitment to school, reflected in truancy
• peer involvement in problem behaviour
• the availability of drugs